Showing posts with label blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blood. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2012

Harry Potter ”usulü” yeni kan grubu testi / Harry Potter's idea inspires rapid blood test

Harry Potter ”usulü” yeni kan grubu testi / Harry Potter's idea inspires rapid blood test

by Nazan Saatci ve Dostlari on Wednesday, september 24, 2012 at 4:46pm ·
Harry Potter ”usulü” yeni kan grubu testi
İngiliz yazar J.K. Rowling’in kitabından beyaz perdeye uyarlanan Harry Potter’dan esinlenilerek yeni kan grubu testi geliştirildi.

Avustralyalı bilimadamları, üzerinde test yaptıran kişinin kan grubunun harflerle ”belirdiği” özel bir kağıt geliştirdiklerini açıkladı. Bu yeni testle, biyoaktif (canlı organizmalara etki eden) özel bir kağıda bir damla kan damlatıldığı, önce kan grubunun A, B ya da 0 yazıyla, rh değerinin de ” ” ya da ”-” olarak kağıt üzerinde görülebildiği belirtildi.
Monash Üniversitesi’nden Profesör Wei Shen, ”Harry Potter ve Sırlar Odası” filmini izledikten sonra, kan grubu sonucunun doğrudan görülebildiği bir test geliştirme fikrinin uyandığını ifade etti.
Filmde Harry Potter’ın ”sihirli bir günlüğe yazı yazdığını ve cevabın günlüğün sayfasında belirdiğini” ifade eden Wei Shen, kan grubu testinde de buna benzer bir ”durumun” söz konusu olduğunu vurguladı. Yeni yöntemin uygulanmasının kolay olduğu ayrıca, acil durumlarda, kazalarda ya da savaş alanlarında acil kan naklinin gerekli olduğu hallerde kan grubunun yanlış tespitinin bu yöntemle engellenebileceği belirtildi. Konuya ilişkin makale, Fransız ”Le Figaro” gazetesinin internet sitesinde yer alıyor.

Harry Potter's idea inspires rapid blood test

Sydney:  Inspired by JK Rowling, who authored the Harry Potter series, scientists have created a rapid new blood test that literally spells out a patient's blood type on bioactive paper.

Created by Wei Shen, associate professor and colleagues at the Monash University Faculty of Engineering, the test is the first equipment-free, bioactive paper-based diagnostic device capable of reporting multiple conditions in written text. 

Mr Shen said the research took inspiration from the film adaptation of Rowling's novel 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', the journal Angewandte Chemie reported. 

"In the film Harry Potter interrogates Tom Riddles' diary by writing on a page of paper in the diary: 'Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?' and the diary responded with a 'Yes' in writing," Shen said, according to a university statement. 

The new test uses the same principles of determining blood type as traditional measures, mixing blood sample and blood typing antibodies and awaiting reaction. The paper device was printed with a hydrophobic reagent (compounds that repel water) except for the areas marked with the blood type letters. 

The team then introduced antibodies into each letter, for example, antibody A into letter A, antibody B into letter B. A blood sample was then added into all the letters, mixed with corresponding antibodies and rinsed with a saline solution. 

If the red blood cells in letter A react with antibody A, they will clump together forming a large lump that will not rinse clear, leaving a clearly visible letter A. 

Mr Shen said such low-cost and easy to understand sensors could be used in disease- screening, medical emergencies and disaster response. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Frequent Urination & Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar and The Hypoglycemic Diet

Frequent Urination & Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, also known as low blood glucose or hypoglycemia, can happen suddenly to any person-even a diabetic who experiences problems with high blood sugar and frequent urination. Hypoglycemia usually can be treated quickly, but can become a life-threatening condition. Recognizing potential symptoms is a key to alleviating low blood sugar.

The Hypoglycemic Diet

By Jurriaan Plesman BA(Psych), Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr
What is known as the hypoglycemic diet should really be called the “Natural Diet”. This is the diet that humans have consumed over the millions of years to which our digestive system has adapted. The “Natural Diet” is natural to the individual only and may be different from one person to another. Nordic European people who have consumed milk as part of their diet in their ancestry may have better tolerance to cow’s milk, than those people whose ancestry was not exposed to that kind of milk as in Asia or Africa. Southern European with a long history of alcohol consumption are more tolerant of alcohol than people for whom alcohol was never part in the hereditary diet, such as Australian aborigines.
Furthermore, this natural diet has to take into account quirks of inborn genetic disorders such as gluten intolerance as in coeliac disease, Crohn’s Disease, or Ulcerative Colitis.. These may well be hidden behind the mask of hypoglycemic symptoms.
The best plan is to ask yourself what diet your ancestors ate and you don’t even have to go back to very ancient times; think of your grand-parents.
Probably the hypoglycemic diet differs from the natural diet in that the number of snack per day are increased.
In brief the nutritional treatment of the hypoglycemic condition consists of:
1) Avoidance of sugar, coffee, strong tea, nicotine if possible, refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, cakes and sugary drinks, candy bars, colas, cookies, ice cream sweetish fruits such as bananas, grapefruit, melons, honey and dates (these fruits may be reintroduced at a later stage in moderation) etc.
2) High protein + complex carbohydrates snacks every three hours or sooner, to provide a slow release of glucose, and to prevent the hypoglycemic dip. A high protein breakfast must be considered the most important meal of the day. Good sources of proteins are eggs, white meat as in chicken and fish. Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits and the more varied the diet the better it is.
3) Supplementation of diet with Anti-stress vitamin B-Complex tablets, including vitamin B6, B3, B12, chromium picolinate, magnesium, zinc + Vitamin C, and fishoil (omega-3 fatty acids), vitamin D. For a fuller list of nutrients, deficiency of which can be responsible for mood disorders see: R Hemat, 165 See 6 studies in support of omega-3 fatty acids for Depression and Bipolar Disorder.
4) Other supplements that could slow down the absorption of glucose (thereby avoiding blood sugar peaks and the release of stress hormones) are: Psyllium Seeds Husks (1 tbsp per day), Glucomannan including pectin (follow instructions on bottle), Grapefruit and Cinnamon. Also see “Herbs with Hypoglycemic Effects “ at:Research Evidence for Hypoglycemia
The Hypoglycemic diet aims at normalizing blood sugar levels, thereby normalizing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, that are thought to be responsible for the symptoms of mood-swings, depression, anxiety, phobias, alcoholism and drug-addiction.
Such a diet needs to be adjusted to the individual needs and nutritional biochemistry. It needs to take into account the influence of allergies.
Furthermore, it should be realized that the beneficial effects of the hypoglycemic diet may take considerable time. If drugs or medications has been used it may take a year for damaged neuro-receptors to be repaired by a high protein diet. (Volkow ND et als. 2001). Normally, the effects of this diet is noticeable within three months. If after this time symptoms still persist, it is time to seek the help of a clinical nutritionist or nutritional doctor for further testing, diagnosis and treatment.
As a rule of thumb ask yourself: “Is what I am eating nature-made of man-made?” Nature-made food consists of complex carbohydrates and proteins, the kind of food we were meant to eat.
Try to introduce the diet slowly and gradually. A strict hypoglycemic diet may cause you to feel worst at first, because your are left with low blood sugar levels. This would last a week or so.
These symptoms can be alleviated by taking a tablespoon of GLYCERINE mixed in milk or in a diluted natural fruit juice three times day (ratio of 20 mls of glycerine to 285 mls of water) ). GLYCERINE is metabolized in the liver before it is converted to “energy”, so it does not stimulate excess insulin secretion from the pancreas. An other alternative sweetener is FRUCTOSE, which is also metabolized in the liver into glucose. But excess fructose will be converted to triglycerides. But generally fructose should also be avoided.
When introducing a new diet we must always consider possible allergies. Many hypoglycemics have hidden allergies, that is after having been on the hypoglycemic diet for some time they discover that they are allergic to certain food items. These were there all the time, but were masked by hypoglycemic symptoms. Finding your Allergies.
Ask your doctor to give you a B12 injection as most hypoglycemic are deficient in this vitamin.
The Hypoglycemic Diet should not be regarded as a ‘quick fix diet’. It takes time for the body to adjust to a different nutritional lifestyle. Time is needed to absorb and metabolize nutrients to be converted to neurotransmitters, enzymes and coenzymes, and to rebuild receptors for natural neuro chemicals.
Most people may experience the benefits of the hypoglycemic diet after about three months. If you have been using drugs of any kind, it may take even longer. Some studies have suggested that receptors for neurotransmitters may be repaired some 9 to 14 months after abstinence from the drug(s). Volkov ND et als, 2001
Withdrawal of drugs should always be under the supervision of your doctor.
If you find that the hypoglycemic diet is not improving your symptoms, it may be that in addition to hypoglycemia, other silent diseases as yet not identified may affect your moods. In that case, it is suggested that you seek the help of a Nutritional Doctor, Clinical Nutritionist or a Nutritional Psychotherapist for further medical testing.