Thursday, August 9, 2012
Can you get yonger with Acupuncture: Is it The New Facelift?
Acupuncture: The New Facelift?
Can those tiny little needles really get rid of your wrinkles?
By Carol Sorgen
Jawline getting a bit saggy? That great sense of humor of yours leaving you with some not-so-funny laugh lines? Furrowed brow making you look like you're in a perpetual state of grouchiness?
If you're thinking of getting a little work done on your face, a younger-looking face may lie at the end of some needles -- acupuncture needles, that is.
Can acupuncture really give you the face you thought you'd lost forever? Yes, say the acupuncturists who offer the procedure. Not really, say more conventional cosmetic surgeons.
Smoothing Out the Lines
Martha Lucas, PhD, LAc, a Colorado acupuncturist, says after a series of 10 treatments (twice a week for five weeks), skin becomes more delicate and fair, and there are fewer wrinkles. She says the treatments also result in an erasing of fine lines and a reduction of deeper lines, less sagginess, a lifting of droopy eyelids, and a clearing or reduction of age spots. And, as an added bonus, she says, there is an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to your face.
"Cosmetic acupuncture is a good alternative for women who don't want the side effects associated with a surgical facelift," Lucas says.
The procedure works for men too, says Lucas, although not as many men request it.
Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is designed to free up chi, or energy. When the needles -- approximately 30-40 -- are applied to the body and face, production of collagen and elastin may be stimulated, says Lucas, and skin is "plumped up."
By addressing other parts of the body in addition to the face, acupuncture assists the body's ability to support the "facelift."
Making the Entire Body Younger
"We're helping you to be younger -- and look younger -- by improving your energy from the inside out," Lucas explains. "This still is TCM -- it's not just about the face; it's about the whole body."
"Chinese medicine is the true antiaging medicine," Lucas says. "It helps your own body create a more youthful appearance."
Lucas has been offering this procedure for approximately four and a half years, and last year she began training other acupuncturists in cosmetic acupuncture throughout the United States and Canada. As the procedure gets more publicity, she says, more clients are requesting it, increasing the need for acupuncturists trained in the technique, which requires special acupuncture points and different needling techniques than traditional acupuncture.
Cosmetic acupuncture is not for everyone, says Lucas. Though acupuncture has been used to help people with migraines, seizure disorders, or high blood pressure, for example, these people are probably not good candidates for cosmetic acupuncture. For most people, however, Lucas says, acupuncture "lifts" are a great alternative for those who don't want more drastic procedures.
Columbia, Md. acupuncturist Della Aubrey-Miller, MAc, LAc, was trained in facial rejuvenation acupuncture, another form of cosmetic acupuncture, which she says is also effective in smoothing out lines, erasing shallow lines, and softening deeper furrows. Still, she says, like surgery, the effectiveness of the treatment depends on what you're starting with. "Working on a 40-year-old face is different from a 60-year-old face," she says. For that reason, both she and Lucas suggest starting the treatments when you're in your 30s, or 40s at the latest.
Can those tiny little needles really get rid of your wrinkles?
By Carol Sorgen
Jawline getting a bit saggy? That great sense of humor of yours leaving you with some not-so-funny laugh lines? Furrowed brow making you look like you're in a perpetual state of grouchiness?
If you're thinking of getting a little work done on your face, a younger-looking face may lie at the end of some needles -- acupuncture needles, that is.
Can acupuncture really give you the face you thought you'd lost forever? Yes, say the acupuncturists who offer the procedure. Not really, say more conventional cosmetic surgeons.
Smoothing Out the Lines
Martha Lucas, PhD, LAc, a Colorado acupuncturist, says after a series of 10 treatments (twice a week for five weeks), skin becomes more delicate and fair, and there are fewer wrinkles. She says the treatments also result in an erasing of fine lines and a reduction of deeper lines, less sagginess, a lifting of droopy eyelids, and a clearing or reduction of age spots. And, as an added bonus, she says, there is an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to your face.
"Cosmetic acupuncture is a good alternative for women who don't want the side effects associated with a surgical facelift," Lucas says.
The procedure works for men too, says Lucas, although not as many men request it.
Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is designed to free up chi, or energy. When the needles -- approximately 30-40 -- are applied to the body and face, production of collagen and elastin may be stimulated, says Lucas, and skin is "plumped up."
By addressing other parts of the body in addition to the face, acupuncture assists the body's ability to support the "facelift."
Making the Entire Body Younger
"We're helping you to be younger -- and look younger -- by improving your energy from the inside out," Lucas explains. "This still is TCM -- it's not just about the face; it's about the whole body."
"Chinese medicine is the true antiaging medicine," Lucas says. "It helps your own body create a more youthful appearance."
Lucas has been offering this procedure for approximately four and a half years, and last year she began training other acupuncturists in cosmetic acupuncture throughout the United States and Canada. As the procedure gets more publicity, she says, more clients are requesting it, increasing the need for acupuncturists trained in the technique, which requires special acupuncture points and different needling techniques than traditional acupuncture.
Cosmetic acupuncture is not for everyone, says Lucas. Though acupuncture has been used to help people with migraines, seizure disorders, or high blood pressure, for example, these people are probably not good candidates for cosmetic acupuncture. For most people, however, Lucas says, acupuncture "lifts" are a great alternative for those who don't want more drastic procedures.
Columbia, Md. acupuncturist Della Aubrey-Miller, MAc, LAc, was trained in facial rejuvenation acupuncture, another form of cosmetic acupuncture, which she says is also effective in smoothing out lines, erasing shallow lines, and softening deeper furrows. Still, she says, like surgery, the effectiveness of the treatment depends on what you're starting with. "Working on a 40-year-old face is different from a 60-year-old face," she says. For that reason, both she and Lucas suggest starting the treatments when you're in your 30s, or 40s at the latest.
Akupunktur ile gençleşmek ister misiniz?
Akupunktur ile gençleşmek ister misiniz?
Yıllara meydan okumak istiyor ancak botoks, estetik cerrahi gibi girişimlerden ürküyorsunuz…
Akupunktur ile gençleşmek ister misiniz?
Çin'de her tür sağlık sorunu için yüzyıllardır uygulanan akupunktur tedavisi, artık ülkemizde de çok yaygın özellikle estetik alanında… Bahçeci Sağlık Grubu Akupunktur Uzmanı Dr. Hasan Ali Nogay, “ Son zamanlarda doğal yollarla gençleşmek isteyenlerin ilk tercihi ‘akulift’ adı verilen bir akupunktur yöntemi. Bu yöntemle 7-12 seans sonrasında ortalama 5-10 yıl gençleşmek mümkün…” dedi.
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'ne göre 300 hastalık akupunkturla tedavi edilebiliyor. Uzakdoğu ve Çin'den tüm dünyaya yayılan koruyucu-tamamlayıcı bir tedavi yöntemidir. Uzman Dr. Hasan Ali Nogay konuyla ilgili şu bilgileri verdi: “Akupunktur yönteminde minik iğneler, özelleşmiş akupunktur noktalarına uygulanır. Akupunktur noktası uyarılınca buradan başlayan lokal hücresel uyarılar sinirsel iletişim yoluyla beyine ulaşır; beyinden de ilgili organlara gönderilir. Böylece vücudumuzda zaten varolan kimyasal maddeler, hormonlar, enzimler salgılanır. Bu da bazı biyokimyasal-hücresel değişiklikler sebep olduğu için vücudumuzun "kendini iyileştirme gücü" harekete geçirilerek iyileşme sağlanır. Son yıllarda yüz bölgesine uygulanan kozmetik akupunktura "akulift" de denilmektedir. Akulift, yüzdeki özel noktalara konulan iğnelerle yaşlanma belirtilerini azaltan, cerrahi olmayan etkili bir yöntemdir. Yüzde lokal kan ve lenf dolaşımını artırır, kolajen ve elastin lif üretimini uyarır. Ayrıca otonom sinir sisteminin uyarılması ve regülasyonu sonucunda , onarıcı maddeleri harekete geçirerek ciltteki sorunları çözer. Bu yöntemle 7-12 seans sonrasında ortalama 5-10 yıl gençleşmek mümkün. İşte harika size sonuç alınabilinen 7 kırışıklık:
1. Kaz ayakları: Gülme çizgileri olarak da bilinir. Önceleri gülümsememizle kendini belli eden bu çizgiler, yıllar içinde yerlerini sever ve belirginleşirler. Her bir çizgiye uygulanan “küçük” iğnelerle bu kırışıklıkları terbiye etmek mümkündür.
2.Kaş çatma çizgisi: Gözlerimiz arasındaki bu kırışıklıklar, yıllar içinde artan stresle daha da derinleşir.
3.Nazolabial oluk: Burun kenarından ağzın köşesine kadar uzanan hattır. İnce, küçük iğnelerle bu oluk daha yumuşak ve genç bir görünüme kavuşturulur.
4.Alın çizgileri: Kaşlara paralel yerleşen bu çizgiler de “botox” uygulanmaya çalışılan kırışıklıklardandır. Bu çizgiler boyunca ince, küçük iğneler uygulanarak son derece güzel sonuçlar alınmaktadır.
5.Sigara çizgileri: Dudak üstünde, özellikle sigara içilmesiyle barizleşen; nikotin, karbon monoksit ve hidrojen siyanid’den kaynaklanan kırışıklıklardır. Mimik kaslarıyla ilişkili olarak da (sigara olmadan) bulunabilirler.
6.Sarkık gözkapakları: 30 yaş üstünde gözkapağı elastikiyetin azalması, yerçekimi, uyku problemleri ve dinlenememek bu çizgileri artırmaktadır. Gerek akupunkturun ”Çi” enerjisini dengelemesiyle gerekse göz çevresindeki uygulamalarla çok daha “dinç” ve “sağlıklı” bir görünüm elde edilebilir.
7.Gözaltı krizleri: Uyku çizgileri olarak da bilinir. Gözlerin hemen altında ve yorgunluk anlarında belirginleşen kırışıklıklardır. Akupunktur ile göz çevresi kasları güçlendiğinde ve elastikiyeti artırıldığında doku kendisini çok iyi toparlar ve daha genç bir görünüm de elde edilir.
Akupuntur İle Nasıl Gençleşirsiniz?
Cildimiz Üç Tabakadan Oluşur:
1.Epidermis: Cildimizin kumaşı, karakteridir; özelliğini, dokusunu oluşturur. Keratinosit denilen deri hücrelerimiz, 4-6 hafta içinde kendilerini yeniler. Retinol, alfa hidroksi asid gibi kozmetik ürünler bu tabakaya etkili olurlar. Yine “maskeler”, “peeling” yapan ürünler ve “nemlendiriciler” de ancak bu tabakaya etki edebilirler.
Akupunktur, epidermis üzerindeki benzersiz etkisiyle su miktarını artırıp, yaşlanan cildimizin kırışıklıklarını ve pigmentasyon sorununu çözer.
2.Dermis: Kalınlığını, nemliliğini ve elastikiyetini verir. Aslında “kozmetik” tabakasıdır. Bununla beraber birçok kozmetik ürün (krem, solüsyon vs.) bu tabakaya kadar ulaşamaz.
Kollajen, elastin lifler ve glikozaminoglikanları (matriks) içeren bu tabaka, yaşla beraber elastikiyetini (hyaluronik asid), suyunu, kalınlığını kaybetmeye başlar. Kollajen ve “dolgu” ürünlerinin enjekte edildiği, “antiaging” için hedeflenen “kozmetik” bölge dermisdir.
Akupunktur, kendi kollajenini ve konnektif dokusunu yapması için dermisi uyarır. Cildimizdeki kırışıklıklar hızla düzelir. Cildimiz daha yumuşak, parlak, sağlıklı bir yapıya kavuşur.
3.Deri altı ve yağ tabakası: Normalde vücut ağırlığımızın %14-20’sini oluşturan yağ hücreleri, fibroz doku ve kan damarlarından oluşur.. “Liposuction” uygulanan bölgedir.
Akupunktur, cilt altı yağ dokusunun yeniden organizasyonunu, yeni damar gelişimi ile “sellülitlerin” iyileşmesini ve cildimizin sıkılaşmasını sağlar.
Akupunktur, sadece kozmetik değil, vücut, kulak ve diğer mikrosistemler üzerinden etkisini gösteren bir tedavi sanatıdır. Kişinin zihinsel, fiziksel ve ruhsal denge haline ulaşmasına ve sağlığını korumasına katkı sağlar.
Geleneksel Çin Tıbbı yaklaşımıyla, özellikle “ erken yaşlanmadan” sorumlu olan “Dalak Çi yetersizliği” ve menopozla ilişkisi bilinen “Böbrek Yin yetersizliği” ; stresle baş edememeye bağlı olarak “Akciğer yin yetersizliği” ve “Karaciğer meridyenindeki” temel değişiklikler üzerinden “etkisini ve faydasını” göstermektedir.
İyi ve kalıcı sonuç almak için 7-12 seanslık bir uygulama (2-3 ay) ile birlikte 40 ml/kg günlük su içilmesi, mevsim renkli(antioksidan) sebze ve meyvelerini tercih etmek; sigarayı bırakmak, kafein ve alkolden uzak kalınması ve güneş kremleri ile cildin korunmasını öneriyoruz.
A Curse or a Blessing? Much food for thought
A Curse or a Blessing? Much food for thought
There was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all for the beautiful white horse he owned. Even the king coveted his treasure. People offered fabulous prices for the steed, but the old man always refused. "This horse is not a horse to me," he would tell them. "It is a person. How could you sell a person? He is a friend, not a possession. How could you sell a friend?" The man was poor and the temptation was great, but he never sold the horse.
One morning, the horse was missing from the stable. All the village came to see the old man. "You old fool" they scoffed. "We told you that someone would steal your horse. You are so poor, how could you ever hope to protect such a valuable animal? It would have been better to have sold him. You could have gotten whatever price you wanted. Now the horse is gone, and you've been cursed with misfortune."
The old man responded, "Don't speak so quickly. Say only that the horse is not in the stable. That is all we know, the rest is judgment. How can you know if I've been cursed or not? How can you judge?
The people contested. "Don't make us out to be fools! We may not be philosophers, but great philosophy is not needed to know what's happened here. The fact that your horse is gone is a curse."
The old man spoke again, "All that I know is that the stable is empty and the horse is gone. The rest I don't know. Whether it be a curse or a blessing, I can't say. All we can see is a fragment. Who can say what will come next?
The people of the village laughed. They had always thought the man to be a fool; if he wasn't he would have sold the horse and lived off the money. Instead he was a poor woodcutter, living hand to mouth in the misery of poverty. Now he had proven that he was, indeed, a fool.
After 15 days the horse returned. He hadn't been stolen, he had run away into the forest. Not only had he returned, he had brought a dozen wild horses with him. Once again the village people gathered round the woodcutter and spoke, "Old man you were right and we were wrong. What we thought was a curse was really a blessing. Please forgive us."
The man responded "Again you go too far. Say only that the horse is back. State only that a dozen horses returned with him, but don't judge. How do you know if this is a blessing or not? You see only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge. If you read only one page, how can you judge the whole book? All you have is a fragment! Don't say that this is a blessing. No one knows. I am content with what I know, I am not perturbed by what I don't know.
"Maybe the old man is right." they said.. But deep down they believed he was wrong. They knew it was a blessing. Twelve wild horses had returned with the horse. With a little bit of work the animals could be broken and trained and sold for much money.
The old man had a son, an only son. The young man began to break the wild horses. After a few days, he fell from one of the horses and broke both legs. Once again the villagers gathered around the old man and cast their judgments.
"You were right." they said The dozen horses were not a blessing. They were a curse. Your only son has broken his legs, and now in your old age you have no one to help you. Now you are poorer than ever."
The old man spoke again, "Don't go so far in your judgments. Say only that my son broke his legs. Who knows if it is a blessing or a curse? No one knows. We only have a fragment of the whole".
A few weeks later the country engaged in a war against a neighboring country. All the young men of the village were required to join the army. Only the son of the old man was excluded because he was injured. The enemy was strong and people feared they would never see their sons again. Once again, they gathered around the old man crying and screaming because their sons had been taken. "You were right, old man," they wept. "God knows you were right. This proves it. Your son's accident was a blessing. His legs may be broken, but at least he is with you. Our sons are gone forever."
The old man spoke again, "Why do you always draw conclusions? No one knows. Say only this: Your sons went to war, and mine did not. No one is wise enough to know if it is a blessing or a curse. Only God knows."
The old woodcutter was content with what he knew and not disturbed by what he couldn't understand. Epictetus said, "I am always content with that which happens, for I think that which God chooses is better than what I choose."
There was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all for the beautiful white horse he owned. Even the king coveted his treasure. People offered fabulous prices for the steed, but the old man always refused. "This horse is not a horse to me," he would tell them. "It is a person. How could you sell a person? He is a friend, not a possession. How could you sell a friend?" The man was poor and the temptation was great, but he never sold the horse.
One morning, the horse was missing from the stable. All the village came to see the old man. "You old fool" they scoffed. "We told you that someone would steal your horse. You are so poor, how could you ever hope to protect such a valuable animal? It would have been better to have sold him. You could have gotten whatever price you wanted. Now the horse is gone, and you've been cursed with misfortune."
The old man responded, "Don't speak so quickly. Say only that the horse is not in the stable. That is all we know, the rest is judgment. How can you know if I've been cursed or not? How can you judge?
The people contested. "Don't make us out to be fools! We may not be philosophers, but great philosophy is not needed to know what's happened here. The fact that your horse is gone is a curse."
The old man spoke again, "All that I know is that the stable is empty and the horse is gone. The rest I don't know. Whether it be a curse or a blessing, I can't say. All we can see is a fragment. Who can say what will come next?
The people of the village laughed. They had always thought the man to be a fool; if he wasn't he would have sold the horse and lived off the money. Instead he was a poor woodcutter, living hand to mouth in the misery of poverty. Now he had proven that he was, indeed, a fool.
After 15 days the horse returned. He hadn't been stolen, he had run away into the forest. Not only had he returned, he had brought a dozen wild horses with him. Once again the village people gathered round the woodcutter and spoke, "Old man you were right and we were wrong. What we thought was a curse was really a blessing. Please forgive us."
The man responded "Again you go too far. Say only that the horse is back. State only that a dozen horses returned with him, but don't judge. How do you know if this is a blessing or not? You see only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge. If you read only one page, how can you judge the whole book? All you have is a fragment! Don't say that this is a blessing. No one knows. I am content with what I know, I am not perturbed by what I don't know.
"Maybe the old man is right." they said.. But deep down they believed he was wrong. They knew it was a blessing. Twelve wild horses had returned with the horse. With a little bit of work the animals could be broken and trained and sold for much money.
The old man had a son, an only son. The young man began to break the wild horses. After a few days, he fell from one of the horses and broke both legs. Once again the villagers gathered around the old man and cast their judgments.
"You were right." they said The dozen horses were not a blessing. They were a curse. Your only son has broken his legs, and now in your old age you have no one to help you. Now you are poorer than ever."
The old man spoke again, "Don't go so far in your judgments. Say only that my son broke his legs. Who knows if it is a blessing or a curse? No one knows. We only have a fragment of the whole".
A few weeks later the country engaged in a war against a neighboring country. All the young men of the village were required to join the army. Only the son of the old man was excluded because he was injured. The enemy was strong and people feared they would never see their sons again. Once again, they gathered around the old man crying and screaming because their sons had been taken. "You were right, old man," they wept. "God knows you were right. This proves it. Your son's accident was a blessing. His legs may be broken, but at least he is with you. Our sons are gone forever."
The old man spoke again, "Why do you always draw conclusions? No one knows. Say only this: Your sons went to war, and mine did not. No one is wise enough to know if it is a blessing or a curse. Only God knows."
The old woodcutter was content with what he knew and not disturbed by what he couldn't understand. Epictetus said, "I am always content with that which happens, for I think that which God chooses is better than what I choose."
"Bir Yol Biter Yenisi Başlar.."
"Bir Yol Biter Yenisi Başlar.."
Öykü,ünlü Çin düşünürü,Lao Tzu devrinde geçer.
Köyde yaşlı bir adam varmış. Çok fakir. Ama imparator bile onu kıskanırmış.. Öyle dillere destan beyaz bir atı varmış ki.. İmparator at için ihtiyara neredeyse hazinesinin tamamını teklif etmiş, ama adam satmaya yanaşmamış. "Bu at, bir at değil benim için.. Bir dost.. İnsan dostunu satar mı?" dermiş hep..
Bir sabah kalkmışlar ki, at yok.. Köylüler ihtiyarın başına toplanmış.. "Seni ihtiyar bunak.. Bu atı sana bırakmayacakları, çalacakları belliydi. İmparatora satsaydın, ömrünün sonuna kadar beyler gibi yaşardın. Şimdi ne paran var, ne de atın" demişler..
İhtiyar, "karar vermek için acele etmeyin" demiş.. Sadece 'at kayıp' deyin. Çünkü gerçek bu.. Ondan ötesi sizin yorumunuz ve verdiğiniz karar. Atımın kaybolması bir talihsizlik mi, yoksa bir şans mı, bunu henüz bilmiyoruz. Çünkü bu olay henüz bir başlangıç. Arkasının nasıl geleceğini kimse bilemez.."
Köylüler ihtiyara kahkahalarla gülmüşler. Ama aradan iki hafta geçmeden, at bir gece ansızın dönmüş.. Meğer çalınmamış, dağlara gitmiş kendi başına. Dönerken de, vadideki 12 vahşi atı peşine takıp getirmiş.
Köylüler, ihtiyar adamın etrafına toplanıp özür dilemişler.. "Babalık" demişler.. "Sen haklı çıktın.. Atının kaybolması bir talihsizlik değil, adeta bir devlet kuşu oldu senin için.. Şimdi bir at sürün var.."
"Karar vermek için gene acele ediyorsunuz" demiş ihtiyar. Sadece atın geri döndüğünü söyleyin. Bilinen gerçek sadece bu. Ondan ötesinin ne getireceğini henüz bilmiyoruz. Bu daha başlangıç.. Birinci cümlenin ilk kelimesini okur okumaz kitap hakkında nasıl fikir yürütebilirsiniz?.."
Köylüler bu defa ihtiyarla dalga geçmemişler açıktan ama, içlerinden "Bu ihtiyar sahiden normal değil" diye düşünmüşler.. Bir hafta geçmeden, vahşi atları terbiye etmeye çalışan ihtiyarın tek oğlu attan düşmüş ve ayağını kırmış. Evin geçimini temin eden oğul şimdi uzun zaman yatakta kalacakmış.
Köylüler gene gelmişler ihtiyara..
"Bir kez daha haklı çıktın" demişler. "Bu atlar yüzünden tek oğlun uzun süre yürüyemeyecek. Sana bakacak başkası da yok.. Şimdi eskisinden daha fakir, daha zavallı olacaksın" demişler.
İhtiyar "Siz erken karar verme hastalığına tutulmuşsunuz" diye cevap vermiş. "O kadar acele etmeyin. Oğlum bacağını kırdı. Gerçek bu.. Ötesi sizin verdiğiniz karar.. Ama acaba ne kadar doğru.. Hayat böyle küçük parçalar halinde ilerler ve ondan sonra neler olacağı size asla bildirilmez.."
Birkaç hafta sonra, düşmanlar kat kat büyük bir ordu ile saldırmış. İmparator son bir ümitle eli silah tutan bütün gençleri askere çağırmış. Köye gelen görevliler, ihtiyarın kırık bacaklı oğlu dışında bütün gençleri askere almışlar. Köyü matem sarmış. Çünkü savaşın kazanılmasına imkan yok gibiymiş; giden gençlerin ya öleceğini ya esir düşüp köle diye satılacağını herkes adeta biliyormuş.
Köylüler, gene ihtiyara gelmişler..
"Gene haklı olduğun kanıtlandı" demişler. "Oğlunun bacağı kırık, ama hiç değilse yanında. Oysa bizimkiler belki asla köye dönemeyecekler. Oğlunun bacağının kırılması talihsizlik değil, şansmış meğer.."
"Siz erken karar vermeye devam edin" demiş, ihtiyar.. Oysa ne olacağını kimseler bilemez. Bilinen bir tek gerçek var. Benim oğlum yanımda, sizinkiler askerde.. Ama bunların hangisinin talih, hangisinin talihsizlik olduğunu sadece Allah biliyor."
Bir yol biter yenisi başlar..!
Lao Tzu, öyküsünü şu nasihatla tamamlarmış, etrafına anlattığında: "Acele karar vermeyin. O zaman sizin de herkesten farkınız kalmaz. Hayatın küçük bir parçasına bakıp tamamı hakkında karar vermekten kaçının.Oysa yolculuk asla sona ermez. Bir yol biterken, yenisi başlar. Bir kapı kapanırken, bir başkası açılır
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