by Nazan Saatci ve Dostlari on Monday, February 20, 2012 at 5:11pm ·
ve bol proteinli bir besin olan mercimek başta B vitamini ve demir
olmak üzerekalsiyum, manganez, sodyum, bakır, çinko ve fosfor
mineralleri açısından da zengindir.
Mercimeğin Faydaları: Besin değeri oldukça yüksek olan mercimek vücuda ve zihne güç verir. Bağışıklık sistemini kuvvetlendirir. Gözlere de yararlıdır. Mercimeğin kalori değeri de yüksektir. Enerji verir ve yorgunluğu giderir. Kansızlara faydalıdır. Anne sütünü attırır. Kandaki kolesterol oranını düşürür ve kan akışını hızlandırır. Kalp ve damar hastalıkları ile şeker hastalığındankorunmaya yardımcı olur. Kalp krizi riskini azaltır. Bağırsakları çalıştırarak vücuttaki zararlı maddelerin uzaklaştırılmasını kolaylaştırır ve kabızlığı giderir.
Mercimek Nasıl Kullanılır? Mercimek genellikle çorbası yapılarak tüketilir. Ayrıca yemeklere de katılır. Mercimek kaynatılıp suyu içilirse göğüs ağrılarınıhafifletir ve öksürüğü keser.
Lentils are low in calories and high in nutrition. Eating them at least once a week is a great way to add the health benefits of these tasty legumes to your diet.
Heart HealthStudies have found that people who eat high fiber legumes like lentils have a much reduced risk of heart disease. The high levels of folate and magnesium in lentils also go a long way in protecting the heart.
Stabilize Blood SugarDue to their high fiber content, lentils help in regulating blood sugar by providing steady, slow-burning energy and balancing blood sugar levels.
High in Iron Lentils are loaded with iron and are a great way to replenish the body's iron stores, especially for people who don't eat red meat like vegans and vegetarians.
B VitaminsLentils are a great source of B vitamins, most notably folate and niacin (B3). B vitamins are important for the healthy functioning of the nervous, digestive, and immune systems.
Lower CholesterolLentils are a great cholesterol lowering food due to their high levels of fiber.
Protein PackedProtein makes up 26% of the calories in lentils and they have the third highest level of protein than any other plant food. It's no wonder that they're a staple in many parts of the world.
Lentils: Calories in Lentils
Lentils have been a part of the human diet since the neolithic times. A majority of lentils calories comes from proteins. It is third highest in terms of protein content, after soybeans and hemp. Let's find out more on lentils calories.
Lentils are said to be the first domesticated crops. They are said to have their origin in the Near East. Of the total lentils calories, about 26% come from proteins. It is an important part of diet in many parts of the world. Lentils are a major part of Indian cuisine, as the Indian continent has a large vegetarian population. There are many types of lentils so read on further to know about the different types of lentils and calories in lentils.
Types of Lentils
Lentils are found in various colors, ranging from yellow and red-orange to green, black and brown. The skin of red, white and yellow lentils is usually removed. They are also available in various sizes. Some lentils are sold with the skin and some are sold without the skin. There are some lentils that are sold whole, while others are sold split. In some cultures, beans and peas are also termed as lentils, however they are in reality, pulses. The various types of lentils are Spanish Pardina, yellow lentils, eston green lentils, brown skinned-red lentils, big Mexican yellow lentils.
Lentils Nutrition Facts
Lentils are easy to cook and are easily available as well. They can be given to children, sick and old people as well. The nutritional values of lentils are well-known. Let's see what they are, in detail.

Mercimeğin Faydaları: Besin değeri oldukça yüksek olan mercimek vücuda ve zihne güç verir. Bağışıklık sistemini kuvvetlendirir. Gözlere de yararlıdır. Mercimeğin kalori değeri de yüksektir. Enerji verir ve yorgunluğu giderir. Kansızlara faydalıdır. Anne sütünü attırır. Kandaki kolesterol oranını düşürür ve kan akışını hızlandırır. Kalp ve damar hastalıkları ile şeker hastalığındankorunmaya yardımcı olur. Kalp krizi riskini azaltır. Bağırsakları çalıştırarak vücuttaki zararlı maddelerin uzaklaştırılmasını kolaylaştırır ve kabızlığı giderir.
Mercimek Nasıl Kullanılır? Mercimek genellikle çorbası yapılarak tüketilir. Ayrıca yemeklere de katılır. Mercimek kaynatılıp suyu içilirse göğüs ağrılarınıhafifletir ve öksürüğü keser.
Lentils are low in calories and high in nutrition. Eating them at least once a week is a great way to add the health benefits of these tasty legumes to your diet.
Heart HealthStudies have found that people who eat high fiber legumes like lentils have a much reduced risk of heart disease. The high levels of folate and magnesium in lentils also go a long way in protecting the heart.
Stabilize Blood SugarDue to their high fiber content, lentils help in regulating blood sugar by providing steady, slow-burning energy and balancing blood sugar levels.
High in Iron Lentils are loaded with iron and are a great way to replenish the body's iron stores, especially for people who don't eat red meat like vegans and vegetarians.
B VitaminsLentils are a great source of B vitamins, most notably folate and niacin (B3). B vitamins are important for the healthy functioning of the nervous, digestive, and immune systems.
Lower CholesterolLentils are a great cholesterol lowering food due to their high levels of fiber.
Protein PackedProtein makes up 26% of the calories in lentils and they have the third highest level of protein than any other plant food. It's no wonder that they're a staple in many parts of the world.
Lentils: Calories in Lentils
Lentils have been a part of the human diet since the neolithic times. A majority of lentils calories comes from proteins. It is third highest in terms of protein content, after soybeans and hemp. Let's find out more on lentils calories.
Lentils are said to be the first domesticated crops. They are said to have their origin in the Near East. Of the total lentils calories, about 26% come from proteins. It is an important part of diet in many parts of the world. Lentils are a major part of Indian cuisine, as the Indian continent has a large vegetarian population. There are many types of lentils so read on further to know about the different types of lentils and calories in lentils.
Types of Lentils
Lentils are found in various colors, ranging from yellow and red-orange to green, black and brown. The skin of red, white and yellow lentils is usually removed. They are also available in various sizes. Some lentils are sold with the skin and some are sold without the skin. There are some lentils that are sold whole, while others are sold split. In some cultures, beans and peas are also termed as lentils, however they are in reality, pulses. The various types of lentils are Spanish Pardina, yellow lentils, eston green lentils, brown skinned-red lentils, big Mexican yellow lentils.
Lentils Nutrition Facts
Lentils are easy to cook and are easily available as well. They can be given to children, sick and old people as well. The nutritional values of lentils are well-known. Let's see what they are, in detail.
- There is no cholesterol content in lentils.
- At the same time, they are very low in saturated fat.
- The sugar content in lentils is also very low.
- Lentils are rich in dietary soluble fiber.
- Lentils are high in iron, and hence are an important part of a vegetarian diet. About 60% of recommended dietary allowance of iron can be got from 100 grams of lentils.
- Phosphorous is also found in high amounts in lentils.
- The other important nutrient that lentils are rich in, is thiamin. One hundred grams of lentils contain 67% of the recommended dietary allowance of thiamin.
- Very few people are aware that lentils are also high in Vitamin C.
- Along with the above mentioned nutrients, lentils are also high in folic acid.
- Lentils provide Vitamin B to the body as well.
- Lentils are also packed with antioxidants necessary for the body.

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